Well, it’s June! That means we’re half way through 2012, and this past weekend, I did some really important thinking about where I’ve been headed the last six months, what changes I want to make, and where I stand on the intentions I set for myself six months ago.
There are somethings I feel are going really well this year (and I’ve already checked several things off my specific goals-for-2012 list) but now’s the time for a bit of course correction – I’m going to be honest about where I’m at and make some specific plans for the rest of 2012!
My goals in this area involved unplugging, purging, and waiting. I’ve been doing pretty well in the purging area – I am in a fairly regular routine of running & yoga (not where I want to be yet, but there’s progress!) and I’ve already gotten rid of 68 things towards Jess’ Get Rid of 100 Things challenge. This is about honest evaluation though, right? Unplugging & waiting have been super hard (and I have not had any significant measure of success). I am a do-er by nature, and the fact that I work at a computer all day, then come home to blog both here and for my church, make it hard to step away. Last weekend, however, was a wake-up call – turning off all the screens from Friday dinner to Monday morning was liberating!
So I think my goal in the Simplicity area for the rest of the year will focus on getting all my weekends totally screen-free (computer, TV, phone) barring a few exceptions. Like I said at the beginning, my goal is not for laws and rules but for a gradual lifestyle adjustment.
Also, while we’re being honest – I haven’t read a SINGLE book from my 2012 list. I really do need to step away from the computer, don’t I?
When it came to Creativity, my intentions were summed up in exploring, expressing, and crafting. You, my lovely blog readers, have been a huge part in this area of my life – and you have watched it unfold! I have been spending much more time photographing, editing, writing, drawing, painting – and there is so much more that hasn’t even been shared yet (I have some BIG ideas, folks!) I am incredibly grateful to my blogging community for pushing me to be and think more creatively. It’s tempting to hold myself to too high a standard, and say that I could have done so much more – but when I compare this year to last, the difference is significant and makes me really content.
Ah, the hardest and scariest of them all. This will always be a work of progress with me, I think, and definitely not something to be conquered in as short a time as one year. There are a few defining moments I can point to so far that have really pushed me to be brave – playing a song I’ve written in front some very talented musicians that I look up to greatly (and I didn’t die! hooray!), speaking up at work when I had an idea and was unhappy with some new systems that were being implemented (and they liked my ideas! yippee!), even being willing take steps in the direction of a dream (ok, that one’s still really scary). You’ve seen me take on comparison and probably make a few mistakes. And there’s a long way to go – but I’m ok with that.
I feel like with Bravery in particular I have reached a tipping point in my year – and suddenly things are going to start snowballing in a big (good!) way. I suppose it says a bit that I’m not quite brave enough to share all the details with you yet – but it’s coming. I know it’s coming, and I’m taking it head on. That in itself is enough bravery for me!
So, how are you doing on your intentions or goals for 2012? What adjustments are you going to make for the next six months?
Time for me to do a check up too on my goals for the year. I think you’re doing well and I have loved seeing all the photography and drawings that make their way onto the blog!
Thank you Rochelle – means a bunch! 🙂