The Right Season

Processed with VSCOcam with 5 preset

This past week has been one of those weeks – the October weather has been perfect in every way, there are beautiful RED trees on our street that have me swooning every time I leave our apartment. It’s funny, I’m in this season that I have waited so long for: I love our new home, our new neighborhood, my work and my little family (even if my kitten is a jerk). I’m sleeping better, eating better and exercising better than I have in a long time.  So many of the pieces I was waiting to fall into place have come together…and yet it’s funny that we can find ourselves in the middle of the right {now} season, wishing we were in the middle of the next one already.  When will I be traveling the world again? When will my midnight hustle be paying the bills? Etc, etc. There will always be things we want to work on, do, or improve about ourselves and our lives. I’m the kind of person that has so many dreams and ideas that I end up stalling/doubting/pulling myself in a million different directions. I’m still figuring out how to linger in the little moments while imagining the biggest of futures. But really, at the end of the day, you just gotta take a walk and breathe in the season that you’re in.

And when I stop and think about it all, I can’t help but be tremendously thankful for this right {now} season.

And I have to believe that enough of those little moments will usher in the next season in it’s own sweet time.
