Inspire Me // Matt Wisniewski

I’ve always really loved collage – the tactile experience of mixing textures and mediums.  The whole foundation of creativity is essentially combining things in new or unexpected ways, and in that sense, collage is a very literal exercise in creativity.  I fell in love with collages all over again when I came across these digital works by Matt Wisniewski – they are like being in a dream world (is that cheesy? it’s still true.)


I love stumbling across artists doing great work because it inspires me to think differently about what I’m doing (we all get into routines, even with our art, don’t we?) and to look at the world or my work with fresh eyes.

Just the kind of awesome I need on a Wednesday.

Be sure to go check out the rest of his work and pop over to Pinterest to see what else has been inspiring me lately.

While you’re at it (or before you go, since I know first hand that Pinterest can be a pit of distraction) – are there any artists or photographers out there inspiring you lately to push boundaries and be more creative?  Share in the comments!

  • Melanie GuerraMay 9, 2012 - 7:48 am

    i have been thinking about collage a lot lately, too! these are amazing – thanks for sharing them!ReplyCancel